Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another Answer to the Price of Gas

Frankly, the price of gas does not affect me much when it comes to my own transportation. I don't do a whole lot of driving, and I prefer to walk, ride my bike, and sometimes I take public transportation. I live close to work, and just about everything I need is a very short distance away. I don't usually have to worry about traffic tie-ups unless I go to the other side of town.

They could probably raise the price of gas to fifteen dollars a gallon before it would affect my transportation. But it does affect all of the other things I have to pay for that are dependent on the delivery of gas. For example, the price of food is going through the roof, and that is affecting me. Also, my home energy costs are probably somewhat indirectly affected and I have been feeling the pinch on that lately.

Now, since food is going up, much of the world is having a huge problem, because in a lot of countries they don't have as much discretionary spending as we do. So what if we extrapolate to some point in the future where there is plenty of food, but none of us have enough money to buy it?

It seems like that is what has happened with housing in the last few years. The price of housing has risen to the point that it is a higher and higher proportion of the incomes of people in this country, and probably worldwide, though I don't have enough information on that to say for sure. But what if none of us could afford food, or we could barely afford it?

So I am digressing a little. I wanted to talk about a unique answer that I saw to the price of gas. And it's not exactly comparable with my bicycle, which is capable of running on brown rice and carrots. But a company called XP Vehicles is making an inflatable car.

It arrives in two boxes and requires some assembly, but supposedly even a kid could put it together. You can drive it for 2500 miles without recharging it. That's almost all the way across the United States. Oh, and you can drive it off a fifteen-foot cliff, and it will bounce.

It's not in development yet, and who knows if it will be? But it sure looks interesting.

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