Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ubuntu, The Boston Celtics, And American Culture

I heard a report on NPR tonight about how the Boston Celtics have embraced the concept of ubuntu and how it has helped them become a winning team. Basically, this means afffirming one's humanity by acknowledging that humanity of others, or acknowledging that you cannot stand alone, because you are dependent on everyone around you.

So many people in our country live by the priniciple of "me first," rather than seeing that their efforts only bear fruit because of the efforts of everyone else around them who assists tham, and everyone else who blazed a path before them. What merchant would survive if he or she did not have any customers? What politician would get elected if there were no votes? What pop star or movie icon would be at the top of their echelon or receive acclaim if there were no fans?

We all depend on those around us to lift us up and make us successful. Anyone who "lifted themselves up by their own bootstraps" got a boost from someone at some point, and should give back to the community that made them a success.

Some people seem to think that others are not worthy of respect. True, one should earn respect, but if someone has worked hard in this lifetime to be respected, they don't deserve to be abandoned. And yet, many are being left out in the cold when it comes to health care, adequate housing, distribution of food, and simple, basic respect.

Are we truly a society that puts a premium value on those who waste our greatest resources to the greatest degree?

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