Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lieberman's Folly

Sen. Joe Lieberman has indicated that he may filibuster health care reform. Lieberman lives in Connecticut, which is definitely one of the states that probably has more of an insurance industry presence than any other state. Obviously, his loyalty has been paid for. The only way to counter that is to register so much opposition, frequently and vehemently, that it is obvious that the people do not agree with his blatant pandering to the insurance industry.

We probably do still need him as a Democrat, unpalatable as that may seem to some. But we need to do what we can to sway his opinion. Big and small businesses all over the country (except for the insurance industry) are starting to see the advantages of health care reform on their bottom lines, so there is some corporate support. After all, what business would not have more of a global competitive advantage if insurance was divorced from employment?


BlueMoonRising said...

When they won't answer the phones, when they won't answer their email--certified mail with restricted delivery! Add special delivery if you can afford it.

DJ said... has started a Facebook drive to pledge support to Lieberman's opponent if he filibusters.