Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mental Red Sludge

There are some truly vile and disruptive things people will do for money. People like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are the psychological equivalent of strip-mining entire mountaintops or Hungarian red sludge released into the Danube. Some people will just say things that are divisive and clearly just uttered to draw attention for no other purpose than to get money to flow in their direction.

It is really sad that segments of our culture encourage this and come up with large sums to reward it. Can you imagine if great teachers were paid what any of these hate-spreaders makes on a book tour, or if an organic farmer made what a Wall Street trader makes? Surely they create more true value in our society where the meaning of "creating value" has been turned upside down.

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