Thursday, October 21, 2010

Perspective...It's a Beautiful Thing.

Fox has been involved in so many conflicts of interest and instances of blatant manipulation that perhaps someone should consider pulling their license, yet they thrive, supported by some of the most angry, evil and blatantly political money. NPR does one vaguely stupid thing and it should be destroyed? And the guy they fire immediately gets a two million dollar contract and national attention? What kind of punishment is that?

What Juan Williams said on Fox was definitely cringe-worthy. But he probably should not have been fired over it. It's really not the greatest move for NPR, already in the crosshairs of conservatives, to create a bullseye on their forehead in a manner that will attract negative attention on them, and has rewarded Williams with a better deal. Many people say unintelligent, uninformed things all the time, and it often just passes. Williams definitely should have been brought in and read the riot act, and absolutely prohibited from identifying himself as an NPR correspondent in any further outside outside interviews.

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