Saturday, November 13, 2010

Billing The Real Deadbeats

If you can send a political candidate a donation, it stands to reason that you should also be able to send a candidate a bill.

If you can say that you support someone so much that you are willing to back them financially, well, it stands to reason that you can also say that you oppose someone so virulently that they should pay you. If you think someone is committing malfeasance against the American people, why shouldn't they pay you for the privilege of their corruption?

It can even vary with the degree of numbskullery that the person exhibits. Maybe you just lightly oppose someone. If you supported someone to that degree, you might send them twenty bucks. So you would bill the offender twenty bucks.

So how much is Abu Ghraib worth? Homelessness and hunger? Bank corruption? Someone owes us all a pile of money in contributions.

If the candidate doesn't pay the bill, it would seem that makes that person an irresponsible deadbeat, right? Shouldn't they be reported to the credit bureaus?

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