Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today's News Interpreted For The Astute

Today's national news. Brought to you by corporate media, drug pushers and 21st century plantation owners, and above all, rich people:

Rich lady died. Rich people knew rich lady, say nice things about her. Rich news guy talked to rich lady many years ago, here's what she said. Terrorist being hunted down, because that's what America does, even though we probably loved him a year ago. Bad weather somewhere; sucks if you're there. Predictable corrupt investigation into white officer who killed black guy. Rich corrupt politician and wife convicted; most of the rest of them are still free. Children tortured by Vatican when explosion set off in front of them. Dad who let kid fry in car will spin the wheel of justice; will likely get a worse deal than rich people if convicted. White ebola doc airlifted to America while inconsequential people die. America crashed a web site with patriotism. Celebrity shill wants you to buy some crap. Corrupt pharmaceutical company wants you to buy some drug. Cute shark attack story. You're not buying enough drugs so buy more drugs. No, really, buy more drugs, because your face looks like shit. Even Abraham Lincoln wants you to buy more shit. Buy more drugs, because you're old and weak, or you will be. This oil company that polluted huge amounts of habitat is better than Jesus. Humongolunatic rich internet company has to pay basically a traffic fine; that'll teach them. There's a bigass volcano, but it probably won't bother you. Rich people honored for being rich people. Recognizable character famous only for wanting you to buy some crap wants you to buy some crap. Buy more drugs for your stomach. We know we already told you your face looks like you need surgery. Buy more drugs for your head. Drink this fake crap because it has cool stuff in it. Watch our shit later. More about the dead rich lady, here's more of what she said.

1 comment:

BlueMoonRising said...

The black hole, eating its own tail in a mobius strip of solipsism.